Wednesday, July 8, 2009

08 JUL 09

Wednesday 090708

AMRAP in 20 mins:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

Post rounds completed to comments.
Compare to 081127.


  1. 13 rounds - 4pullups and 4 dips
    I did 4 pullups and 4 dips for in place of muscle ups, 40lb dumbbell.

  2. 11 rounds + 2 MU's. I couldn't find a high enough bar at the gym so I had to bend my knees to do the muscle-ups, which made it harder. The most muscle-ups I've done before today was about 10, so I was happy. I did 1 pood instead of 2 for KBS, but 12 reps instead of 8 (hurt my neck last time I did a big 2 pood WOD).

  3. Grant - 17 rounds in 20:06 - as rx'ed
    Andy - I think 11 or so (correct me if I'm off) - subbed 2 ring dips and 6 pullups for the mu's.

    Dan, maybe we should do some big necks next time we get together so you can do some man weight kettle bell swings.
